Intellectual Property Advisory

Intellectual property grants copyright to protect the investment and avoid plagiarism. The Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce offers its members the service for the registration of trademarks, trade names, commercial slogans, and thus help them to protect one of the most important intangible assets of the business, its identity.

Why should I register my trademark?

The brand and all the elements that compose it: name, logo, colors, slogan. They are an intangible asset that differentiates you from the competition. By registering your trademark, you are granting exclusivity of use, so no one else will be able to use your identity to attract your customers. Another advantage of registering your trademark is that the trademark is subject to appraisal which can increase your equity. In addition, with the registration you are in a position to take legal action against any infringer who uses your identity without proper permission.

How do I register a trademark in Ecuador?

Trademark registration in Ecuador is a procedure that is carried out at the National Service of Intellectual Rights, SENADI. The process includes a phonetic search, the entry of a form detailing all the components of the trademark and the registrant’s data. It is complemented by the payment of a fee.

The Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce has a trademark and logo registration service with a preferential price for members, we take care of the whole process. If you are a member, ask for more information to the Whatsapp button on the site, or send us an email to

If you are not a member, become a member to receive this and many more services at a preferential price for members.

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